Personal Caring Profile

Many of our parents have taught us that being generous or kind was the most important thing in our families and faith, yet those beautiful beliefs can also contribute to our over-work and exhaustion. This workshop helps teachers look at personal, familial and spiritual patterns of caregiving and self-care. Our morning will be centered on rich discussion around the workshop questions, followed by a fabulous lunch (provided). Our afternoon will feature several fun activities where we release old patterns and create new beliefs so that we can be kind in ways which also sustain us. If you were raised by teachers, nurses, or other helping professionals, or had a religious or spiritual upbringing and aren’t great at self-care, this workshop is for you!

All “Sustainable Me” workshops are held in beautiful spaces in the metro area of Colorado. Please contact Dr. Sue ( if you’re interested in attending via Zoom.

Next event: coming soon in 2023!

Personal Caring Profile

Our Guiding Questions

In what ways did your family demonstrate healthy boundaries? How were you shown what caring and self-care is? Within your family, who is the strongest influence on your self-care beliefs?

Which personal mentors have most affected your beliefs about caring and self-care?

How has your spirituality or faith influenced your belief about self-care? Positively and negatively?

Which beliefs (learned from your family, mentors or spirituality) no longer serve you? What positive empowering beliefs can replace those?

Practical Classroom Ideas

FREE Zoom workshop!

What if you could have more fun in your classroom AND create assignments which could both lessen your workload and increase student and family involvement? This free 90-minute Zoom workshop features practical ideas from myself and a panel of teachers who are experimenting with assignments and perspectives that highlight student and family responsibility. These assignments are easy to grade and everyone finds them fun and engaging! I will also provide ideas about how to increase your own happiness on a daily basis with ideas like “The One Day Challenge”.

If you’re interested in having more fun and building stronger student and family connections, this workshop is for you!