Meet Sue

The “Sustainable Me” program was born out of my struggles with work-life balance teaching music in K-12 and intensified in the workaholic environment of a top-level university. In K-12 teaching, the day-to-day challenges of running a classroom, combined with the countless hours for evening events, often left me drained of energy. I loved the work and I loved teaching, but after several of my own serious health challenges, I thought:


In academe, I attempted to blend the personal lived experiences of teachers with sociological and cultural research perspectives. I sought to deepen my understanding of why these challenges were so profound and to create perspectives and courses to help. I am deeply grateful to the countless students and mentors who openly shared their personal journeys with me. Their honesty helped me to clarify my thinking and further inspire my passion for teacher self-care. I left the university in the middle of a successful tenure run, when I realized that my heart was no longer aligned with the research expectations. Nor it was aligned with workaholism prevalent in academic institutions. And, after a few years spent at home with our daughter, I went back to my first love: Teaching music.

As we all know, the challenges of self-care were present before Covid re-arranged our lives. Many of us were stressed, over-worked and left feeling unsupported. We seemed to have become society’s scapegoats, being blamed for not being able to create perfect learning environments or fix society’s problems. And perhaps most injurious of all, the innate wisdom possessed by teachers about their work was diminished, even repressed.

Then the pandemic turned the world upside down. While I am often hopeful, the realist in me recognizes that our new reality seems to reflect some of the darkest parts of the human experience: Chaos, anger, deep disconnection from ourselves and each other. Those of us who are sensitive souls are left with open, aching hearts and deep questions about how we can move forward to create a just and kind world and change ourselves and others into a different, more positive, reality.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

Helen Keller

teacher team at Sassy Doc workshops

Sue's Philosophy

Teaching has always been the way I make meaning in my life.

It is my pathway for processing life’s possibilities and challenges. I’ve created the “Sustainable Me” program to empower teachers who are tired and hurting to find their wisdom, rediscover their voices and nurture their authenticity and deepest selves. In the places of our deepest pain, let us be open to the possibilities of reconnection and transformation.

Fun Facts

My favorite healthy snack is dark chocolate! I am quite proud to say that I received 26 bars of dark chocolate from my students on my 60th birthday.
I had over 300 rubber ducks on display in my classroom—all gifts from students.
I still make popcorn the old-fashioned way—on the stove top in a 40 year old pan.
I met my husband while I was working on my Ph.D. and his favorite nickname for me was “Thinkerbell”.
My husband is a proud marathon runner. I am proud of how frequently I walk from the couch to the kitchen. And back again.
One of my favorite activities is driving through fast-food restaurants with my daughter in our bathrobes.
Although I have a Ph.D, my sense of humor never really left middle school.
popcorn is one of Sassy Doc's favorites
dark chocolate is one of Sassy Doc's favorites
rubber duckies are one of Sassy Doc's favorites